Rubbish Removal in Annandale | How to Dispose of Cooking Oil?
When you think of rubbish removal in Annandale, or anywhere else for that matter, you invariably consider general waste, green waste, and obvious recyclables like newspapers and glass bottles. But what about tricker items – like, for example, cooking oil? Is there a specific way this should be disposed of?
Whether you’re a homeowner looking at residential kitchen cooking oil elimination, or a commercial entity with large volumes of deep fryer oil to dispose of, you need to know that oil should never be poured down the sink – even in small volumes. Doing this can wreak havoc on plumbing – blocking drains, clogging sewer systems – and also cause major environmental issues, including in water treatment facilities.
Small amounts of household cooking oil can be disposed of into garden composts. They may also be collected into a fully sealable glass jar or sturdy plastic bottle (e.g. a laundry detergent bottle), cooled, and wrapped in newspaper before being placed into your general waste bin. You may alternatively, if the amount is small, pour it onto a newspaper, allow it to set, and put it all in the bin.
Used cooking oil can also be collected into glass jars, or in bulk for commercial enterprises, and be recycled into products including biodiesel. There are commercial oil recycling businesses which provide oil for onsite used cooking oil storage, as well as collection of oil, and ensure it is recycled responsibly.
When the used cooking oil is collected from the onsite storage bins, it is taken to a processing facility. Here it is filtered into larger storage tanks. These are heated and treated. The oil is then converted into an array of secondary products which may include animal feed, detergents, soap, biofuel, industrial lubricants, and even paint.
If you are using oil for deep frying at home, you can recycle it for further use. Allow the used oil to cool, and then strain it through paper towel back into a bottle. It can be used another one or two times. Then it needs to be poured back into the bottle and thrown away.
Some local councils offer recycling drop-off centres for cooking oil. Check the website for your local council for locations or alternative options.
For all non-hazardous waste and rubbish removal in Annandale and throughout Sydney’s inner west, call Andrew at AA Adonis Rubbish Removals. We donate, recycle, and discard your unwanted goods and rubbish in the most environmentally sustainable way. And while we can’t remove things like cooking oil, we can offer advice where possible.