Rubbish Removal in Wynyard – Carpets
While Wynyard is predominantly a commercial suburb, rubbish removal in Wynyard is as much a consideration as it is anywhere else. From residential to office and other public spaces, waste needs to be removed in an environmentally sustainable way.
Carpet disposal is one area in which we can do better. Carpets need to be replaced periodically, especially in public spaces. In the past, old carpets were invariably sent to landfill. Today we have much better alternatives.
Replacing carpet is like giving your space a new lease on life, however disposing of the old carpets can be a nuisance. It is a big and unpleasant job and there are numerous service providers who specialise in carpet removal. The process involves cutting carpet into sections, loading and transporting it to a suitable facility, and cleaning up afterwards.
Carpet can in many cases be recycled for reuse in other forms. Since almost all types of carpet are recyclable and old carpet accounts for a significant volume of landfill, we really should be finding alternatives to landfill for carpet.
Carpets are made of wool, nylon, polyester, polyethylene or polypropylene. The vast majority are synthetic in constitution. Synthetic fibres don’t break down in landfill. Wool fibres do break down but in doing so they produce methane, which is a powerful greenhouse gas.
These carpet fibres can be broken down and reused as raw materials. These reuses can include insulation and sport surfaces.
Recycling carpet:
- Reduces greenhouse gas emissions
- Reduces carbon footprint
- Eliminates tonnes of landfill
- Creates green jobs
What to Do with Your Old Carpets:
- Sell or donate carpets that are in good condition
- Some gardening centres will accept old carpet for compost insulation and weed control
- Un-reusable carpets can be recycled at dedicated centres, or disposed of responsibly
For environmentally sustainable rubbish removal in Wynyard and throughout metropolitan Sydney, call Andrew at AA Adonis Rubbish Removals today on 0418 671 297. We have a friendly and professional team, and we come to your location to take it all away. We look forward to your call.