Light Globe Recycling – Rubbish Removal in Wentworth Point

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Recycling is an essential part of rubbish removal in Wentworth Point and elsewhere. Among the common household items that should be recycled are light globes.

Most people are not aware that light globes can and should be recycled. It’s important to understand that they can’t be placed in council kerbside recycling bins, and they should never be thrown away into general waste bins or landfill. Currently, 96% of fluorescent globes end up discarded in a landfill.

Fluorescent light tubes and Compact Fluorescent Lamps are a modern, energy efficient lighting tool; however, we all need to understand that these contain mercury. Mercury is extremely toxic and it is critical that it be kept out of the natural environment.

Mercury is a neurotoxin. This means that it negatively impacts on the nervous system of people, birds, animals, and marine/aquatic life. Every single fluorescent lamp or lighting tube contains only tiny amounts of mercury on its own, but when millions of fluorescent lamps and tubes are thrown out every year into a landfill, this causes a huge volume overall of harmful mercury to be leached into the environment. Just a single fluorescent tube can pollute many thousands of litres of water, impacting all living things in a detrimental way.

Some light globes and bulbs are more easily recyclable than others. There are companies that specifically recycle residential lighting waste, including bulbs and globes. Mercury, glass, aluminium, and other materials can be recovered from light globes and recycled. CMA Ecocycle is Australia’s only EPA-approved mercury recycler. SUEZ also collects and recycles fluorescent lighting, as does Lamp Recyclers Australia.

How are light globes recycled? Fluorescent light globes and tubes are crushed and the materials separated.

  • The glass is recycled to become glass wool for use in home insulation.
  • Aluminium is repurposed for manufacturing other products.
  • Phosphor powder is used to create fertilisers.
  • Mercury is distilled from the phosphor powder and reused

Use energy efficient globes to reduce the amount of mercury in the atmosphere.

Recycle all:

  • Fluorescent lamps
  • Compact fluorescent lamps
  • HID lamps (used in street lighting)
  • Neon signage tubes

Note that the older incandescent light globes are not recyclable and are being phased out. They are not toxic to life or the environment so can be thrown away in general waste, wrapped in newspaper.

For fast rubbish removal in Wentworth Point, including recycling, call AA Adonis Rubbish Removal services. We’re waiting for your call!

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